In my research, juxtaposition (and opposition) became a very distinct feature that I could identify and find in any work discourse of women artists: Jenny Holzer, Barbara Kruger, Petra Collins, Tracey Emin, Guerilla Girls, Kay Rosen, Erica Baum. This juxtaposition is not only meaning in formalistic properties, but is seen in other more abstract elements and can be found in other topic. For example, the juxtaposition between the message (text and its cultural implication) that is serious and no laughing matter, and the chosen medium (neon, LED, advertising strategies) which is most colourful and amusing display. It can be seen in the use of a masculine device (language) to gain a female voice (also appropriation of it is another aspect). The use of advertising techniques to highlight public speaking and talk about power and voice, in order to gain one themselves. This system of oppositions seems to serve as a tool to reclaim power and voice which is consistently trying to be hindered, from centuries ago.
The pure purpose of juxtaposition is defines as: “a procedure in which one element is placed next to another in such a way that a new dynamic takes place. This is particularly effective where the literal meaning of an element combines with that of another to make a new meaning.” Similar to this discourse of pairing a provocative message with a amusing medium is similar to a depiction popular during the Classical times: “The juxtaposition of gruesome violence with female beauty becomes a potent source of frisson and interest.”
