As as European Heritage Youth Ambassador together with some of my other fellow colleagues, I attended the ESACH Madrid Meeting which was organised in hybrid mode, online and in person.
The meeting which was held at the beginning of June, was hosted and organised by ESACH Madrid (MA Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Management and Research) in collaboration with Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), with support from the UPM “Programa I+D”, as well as ICOMOS Spain, Hispania Nostra and Europa Nostra.
The meeting named ‘Our Common Past, Our Future’ had the aim to open a space for the exchange of knowledge and ideas about European heritage, its sustainable management and our commitment to the future of Europe.
Europa Nostra's involvement was also a part of the co-creation phase for the New European Bauhaus, a initiative from the EU Commission.
I was delighted to be part of this and in two sessions.
The first session, ‘Cultural Heritage and the New European Bauhaus: Mobilising Youth and Hearing their Voices’ was a panel discussion during which young professionals discussed on the role of youth for the NEB initiative. In this session I was honoured to be a moderator.

“Young people across Europe have a special duty and responsibility to guarantee that the future is beautiful, sustainable and inclusive,” stated the Secretary General of Europa Nostra.
On the second day, along with the other ambassadors an event was created entitled ‘Cultural Heritage and the New European Bauhaus: Perspectives from the European Heritage Youth Ambassadors’. Here I intervened as a presented and I spoke about an example from my hometown, Split3, a unique architectural project. So each of us presented concrete examples from throughout Europe and beyond, under the themes of the NEB Ideals: Beautiful, Sustainable, Together. All of this illustrated how and why cultural heritage is integral to the New European Bauhaus.
I am very grateful for this experience which has enriched my knowledge and skills in communication and presenting, but also the opportunity of having an active participatory role in a creation of a beautiful, sustainable and united Europe with New European Bauhaus. :)