Also I am making a connection between public speech and voice in connection to the use of language.
For this the book by Sara Mills Discourse is important as a literary source:
“Feminist theory is intensely involved in questions over access to discourse, since it is clear that women frequently do not have the same access as men to speaking rights, as has been amply documented by various studies (see Coates and Cameron, 1989; Tannen, 1990)...There are institutionalised constraints here which serve to silence women in terms of public speaking. This is not to suggest that women are simply incompetent speakers, but that discursive structures are sites where power struggles are played out.”
Furthermore, noting the dynamic between political and private sphere in the works:
“To say that ‘everything is political’ is to recognise the omnipresence of relations of force and their immanence to a political field; but it is to set oneself the barely sketched task of unravelling this indefinite tangled skein. (Foucault, 1979b: 72)
Thus, Foucault’s revising of the model of power relations is very useful for feminist theorists trying to reinscribe the ‘political’ into the private sphere and attempting to map out possible strategies for bringing about change within an increasingly complex system of power.”
